Text provided by Rudy van den Brink How to call FSL functions in matlabHow to call FSL functions in matlab item options From: Brink, R.L. van den Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 11:26 AM Subject: matlab & FSL Hi all, This works perfectly. I now load the fsl/5.0.4 module in my .bashrc, and when I type system(‘fslmaths’) in the matlab command line I still get the same error, as expected. If I add the following to my matlab script however: addpath([getenv('FSLDIR') '/etc/matlab/']) %add the fsl folder with the call_fsl function and then everything works fine when I type: [status, output] = call_fsl('fslmaths') The call_fsl function also handles fsl_sub commands so you can still parallelize your processing within one matlab script. Cheers, Rudy